The quality of software projects has become a vital element of software project management.

Dinindu Koliya Harshanath
2 min readAug 21, 2021

People tend to buy a quality product over a cheap product due to many reasons. Let us just put software projects aside. When someone needs to buy a car, everyone will go for a quality car that could last longer than a cheap car which could cause more mechanical issues and cost more money over time. From that simple example, we could easily understand why everyone prefers quality over cheap in any product we tend to buy for long term use.

If we look back at history, many examples showcase the importance of quality. For example, “Chemical Bank mistakenly deducted about 15 million from more than a hundred thousand customers”, “In 1986, two hospital patients died after getting fatal doses of radiation due to a software problem”. These two examples demonstrate two perspectives of the importance of quality. First, poor quality of a project leads to millions of dollars of loss, and secondly, poor quality of software leads to the death of people, which is priceless. So we can clearly understand why quality is a significant factor to incorporate and maintain in a project.

There are many standards and frameworks in the world which assist in determining the quality of a project. Implementation teams always try to maintain the quality of their project to meet the satisfaction criteria of these standards to label their project as a quality project. Project quality management will guarantee that the project will provide the needs for which it was undertaken.

It is necessary to produce the quality product in each aspect of the product, rather than delivering the quality only in several operations or product functionalities. Partial deliveries could potentially lead to more drawbacks in the long run. The main three project quality management processes include planning quality management, performing quality assurance, and controlling quality. These three processes ensure the quality of software project management in every single aspect. Apart from that, many tools and techniques assist you in ensuring project quality management in each stage of the project implementation.

The bottom line is that history has shown us many lessons in many ways to show us the importance of software project management. So rather than giving more lessons to the future, it is best to learn from the mistakes and secure the quality of the project in each phase; in that way, we can minimize the room to fail.



Dinindu Koliya Harshanath

A human being who likes to read and write occasionally. Primary interests include data science, machine learning, software engineering and everything else.